Prevention: The Best Medicine
Many people decide to wait until they experience symptoms before visiting their eye doctor, but at the Eyecare Vision Center, we stress the importance of prevention. By scheduling a complete eye exam, you can be signaled to warning signs before they become a problem.
A battery of tests will be administered, requiring you to look into bright lights, read charts, and perform other non-invasive tasks. In doing so, every aspect of your ocular health and well-being can be evaluated appropriately.
​When Do I Schedule My Appointment?
A common mistake made even by those who understand the benefits of preventative eye exams is to wait until late adulthood to schedule their first appointment. The best time to prepare for the first comprehensive eye exam is between ages 3-5. A follow-up should be planned before entering school, as poor eyesight can directly impact learning ability.
From this time until around the age of 40, comprehensive eye exams should be regularly scheduled every two years after this, or if you wear contact lenses, it is best to have your eyes checked annually or more as advised.

Come Prepared
It is best to come to the appointment prepared, as there will be many questions to answer.
Common ones tend to regard aspects such as whether you currently wear glasses, were born premature, have allergic reactions to medicines, have had current or past eye problems, and have a family history, to name a few.
These questions help your physician determine the best possible treatment method and what to look for.
What to Expect
Once this information is taken, the testing begins. The comprehensive eye exam leaves no room for error as it tests the muscles, visual acuity, refraction, perimetry, color vision, retinal health, and for glaucoma. Even more detailed tests are given to those whose family history and other information indicate potential threats.
Detecting problems before they manifest is the best way to ensure proper eyesight for a lifetime, and scheduling your comprehensive eye exam today is the first step to ensuring you don’t become a victim later in life.
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